Thursday, January 31, 2013

Soup in a Blender!

Recipe Thursday seems to have become my only blog post each week. Whether or not that means my life has become incredibly dull or that it revolves around food, I'm not entirely sure- maybe a combination of both. I can't help that I live for my next meal.

A few weeks ago I remembered that my Vita-mix came with its own cookbook which, in all my excitement about smoothies galore, has sat gathering dust since I got it. Looking through it I realized how many cool things I've been missing out on, including soups. As in, you make the entire soup in the blender- no pot and no mess! Pretty cool, right? The Vita-mix's motor is so super awesome that when you let it run for a few minutes it actually heats up and cooks the soup.

We decided to try tortilla soup. I started by gathering my ingredients:

A stalk of celery, a little bit of red bell pepper, a carrot, roma tomato,  some onion,
yellow squash, a mushroom, cumin, and vegetable broth.
 Then you put everything in the blender

The cookbook even lists the ingredients in the order that you're supposed to put them in the blender. Softest (meaning liquid) to hardest- turns out I've been doing it wrong all along!
And let it go for about 5 minutes, until steam starts coming out (or foam, in my case):

I got a little worried that the whole thing was going to explode. I had to use all my
willpower to let it run the full five minutes.
Pour it into bowls and enjoy!

Carl made some Mexican-y fish to go with it, baked with bread crumbs, a bunch of secret seasonings, and salsa. It was quite a delicious and effortless meal- as easy as chopping vegetables in half. If that doesn't make you want to go drop a few hundred dollars on a blender, I don't know what will!

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