Thursday, September 15, 2011

Recipe Thurday! And a Bonus Book Review

I’m still working on the aforementioned special Recipe Thursday post, so tonight’s recipe is an oldie but a goodie: Snobby Joes. I made this recipe several weeks ago. I love it because it’s one of Carl’s favorites, fairly easy to cook, and makes enough to take for lunch for a few days. I don’t know what the protocol is on “publishing” recipes from cookbooks- this particular one came from Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. To avoid getting in trouble with the cookbook police, I’ll share a picture instead. I’m also making a mental note to work on my food photography skills.

The recipe is very similar to a thick chili, except with lentils instead of beans. I was never a huge fan of Sloppy Joes in my meat-eating days, so I can’t say for sure if the taste is comparable to an actual Sloppy Joe because it’s probably been a solid decade since I’ve had one. But Snobby Joe is pretty darn tasty, despite its lack of visual appeal. Plus, it's always a bonus if Carl can enjoy my vegetarian fare. I'd be happy to email the recipe to anyone who wants it!

I also have a book recommendation that I thought would be appropriate since so many of our friends are beginning to enjoy more sophisticated living situations. Here's a picture, stolen from Amazon.

Carl and I got this for Christmas (good call, Santa Wonus!), and it was such a great help to us as we put together our new condo. It also served as a guide to our wedding registry, inspiring me to take a lot of things off that we’d probably never use. The book is both a lesson in homemaking and living simply, something especially valuable to us as we realized how quickly we could fill our new [small] space. I got really excited when the products that Flanagan recommended were ones that we either already had, or that we registered for. I put a lot of research into what went on our registry, so seeing it in this book really validated all my time and effort. I would be more than happy to let anyone borrow it. Or better yet, come visit and you’ll find it in our downstairs bathroom!

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