Sunday, March 4, 2012

Into the Double Digits

The ABC's of 2012 have lasted into their 10th week! I'm somewhat surprised that I haven't thrown in the towel and let myself fall off the bandwagon at this point. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone has been difficult at times but each and every tiny success has been instrumental in keeping my resolution going. When I came up with the idea for the ABC's in the first place I must have subconsciously known that I would need small, easily attainable milestones to keep me motivated and interested in what I'm doing. Mini resolutions are definitely what's up.

This week I got an easy letter: B for beer. When I put gluten on the list I didn't exactly make the whole wheat-beer connection, hence the overlap, but because of it I can proudly say that I haven't cracked open a cold one since January 27th, the Friday before I picked gluten. Man, that makes it sound like I'm a recovering alcoholic. Beer used to really gross me out but by the time sophomore year in college had its way with me I was a die-hard fan. It seems like just yesterday that Liz and I were sneaking cases of beer through the windows of my dorm room... ah, good times. I miss college. Much less the party animal that I once was, I think I'll survive without my beloved beer. I'm starting to dabble in the finest of cheap red wines and it's working out really well. Plus I feel a lot more grown up and it gives me an excuse to use our fancy wedding wine glasses.

Well, I'm off to go visit with Carl who just got back from a man weekend of sorts. Me and the dogs were left to hold it down during the never-ending storm yesterday (meaning that I was super unproductive). Check out our flooded "backyard" area:

Not sure if the picture quite does it justice. It looks like a big lake back there!
It really did rain cats and dogs! I know that all of our little patio garden plants are smiling right now, and this also means that I can postpone getting my car washed just a little longer. Anyways, I hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend!

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